Friday, 3 November 2017

Trend Profiteer Review

Uh Oh!  Here’s Yet Another Way For Anyone – Even A Complete Rookie – To Trade FOREX And Make “Life Changing Sums Of Money’…  We Don’t Know About You Guys, But We Think We Smell A Rat…!
trend profiteer reviewWe have to admit that when we came across Trend Profiteer, we really did heave a big sigh.  Because it seems that not a week goes by without yet another ‘can’t fail to make a profit using this system’ product hits the market.
But, we’re always prepared to give such a product a fair crack of the whip to impress us (or, as is often the case, depress us that with a bit of clever marketing the unscrupulous can manage to sucker regular folk like you and me to part with our hard earned dollars…).
So if you’re considering purchasing Trend Profiteer, then we highly recommend that you read our down and dirty investigation into exactly what it’s all about.  And although we say so ourselves, it certainly will be a few minutes well spent…

What do you get for your money with Trend Profiteer?

OK, so what Trend Profiteer is, is a suite of both education and tools that, it’s makers profess, is brand new and provides the user with a trade success ratio of more than 80% – even for the novice FOREX trader.  It bills itself as a ‘Trade Management Software and Group Mentoring Program’
trend profiteer packageAnd when you buy into it, you get the following:
  • The complete Trend Profiteer educational course: Comprising 12 modules that you can study at your own pace (and revisit whenever you choose) that will get you fully up to speed with all the essentials you need to know about trading FOREX.
  • Step by step videos:  That show you exactly how to install the trading platform. MetaTrader4 onto your computer.
  • The Trading Manual:  Consisting of 70-80 pages of no bull info that you can read in an hour or two.  This is all you need to do to get up and running with the Trend Profiteer FOREX trading system.  You can then follow the above mentioned educational course at your own pace, learning ‘on the go’, so to speak.
  • Webinars:  Further education that you can join in on a regular basis to increase your trading knowledge further.
  • Full trading support: Via email and live chat whenever you need it.
  • The Trend Profiteer Forum:  Swop ideas with fellow traders, learn from then, and provide your own contribution to the trading sensation that is Trend Profiteer.
  • The Trend Profiteer Chat Room:  Which is exactly as the title suggests
  • The Trend Profiteer Free Mobile App:  That links to your home computer, allowing you to receive alerts and – far more importantly – act on them from anywhere in the world, thanks to the apps connectivity to your software program on your home computer.
In addition, there’s Reference Guides, Indicator and Trade Assistant User Guides, Trend Profiteer Reference Guides, a Market Intelligence Dashboard…  In short, you get absolutely everything you need to begin your FOREX trading, and then continue your education to become more and more proficient – all the while drawing in what could well be extortionate profits…

Who the heck is Michael Nurok?

michael nurokCreator of Trend Profiteer, Michael Nurok, is, by his own admission, a self-made millionaire.  He freely admits that he has zero financial background, and certainly has never been part of an ‘old boys’ network.  Instead, this guy from Sydney, Australia has simply gone from being a geeky computer kid back in the 1980s, to making millions of bucks trading FOREX (his best day netted him over $15K – on a single trade!!!).  And he’s all self-taught!
Thanks to this success, he’s put together a trading system – AKA Trend Profiteer – that can stack the odds in your favor so you too can make the same kind of outlandish profits…  He now shares his knowledge with others, just like us, and trades and runs his education business from the heart of Sydney’s financial district.

Who is Trend Profiteer for?

Well, do ya wanna make money on your FOREX trades?  Do you want to swing the odds in your favor on a daily basis?  Then Trend Profiteer is for you.  Young or old, rich or poor, male or female, experienced trader or FOREX rookie, this little baby honestly could turn your dreams into reality – if you simply give it a chance.

The Pros and Cons of Trend Profiteer

The Pros

  • Trend Profiteer has been optimized for outstanding results, whether or not you have any knowledge about trading FOREX.
  • The program comes with almost fail safe, built in safety features that keep your trading risks down to an almost unbelievably low level – perhaps the lowest ever seen by following such a FOREX trading system.
  • You know exactly when to exit trades for maximum profits AND jump in on new, surging market moves so you can ride new trends to huge profits.
  • The software is so advanced that not only do you not need to spend hours per day trading, but you can also carry out all you need to from any location – simply by using your smartphone.

The Cons

  • D’you know, the biggest problem with Trend Profiteer comes from the fact that you need to follow the rules To. The. Letter.  In fact, Michael Nurok says that the people who tend to make the most eye-watering amounts of money following his system are the guys who on first glance, might not be the smartest folks in the world.  This is because the ‘smart’ ones think they can tweak the system to make it work better.  BUT THIS IS NOT THE CASE!  The guys (and gals) who make the highest FOREX trading profits using Trend Profiteer are those who follow the the rules exactly.  So if you can’t do that…

The Bottom Line

Well, we have to admit that when we first came across Trend Profiteer we were extremely dubious.  But, having got deep into exactly what the program’s all about, we have to say that we’re mighty impressed.  And it truly is a product that the true novice can buy into and realistically be drawing in profits in a matter of days.
The things we particularly like about is is that the software does all the donkey work for your (giving you mucho free time better spend doing something you enjoy rather than pouring over a computer screen), the fact that you get to learn as you earn, meaning you become more and more of an expert as you go, plus the real and solid training and support you get at all times.
In a nutshell, if you’re looking to make real, sustained profits from trading FOREX, then Trend Profiteer could be just what you’ve been looking for.  We love it…!

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